I help busy mom entrepreneurs stay organized, be productive and achieve more.



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How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

When I had to figure out how to organize my laundry room, I knew that The Container Store would have what I needed. Bins, hampers, baskets – they usually have such great containers to store things in. So when I learned more about the Elfa system to organize my laundry...

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How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

When I had to figure out how to organize my laundry room, I knew that The Container Store would have what I needed. Bins, hampers, baskets – they usually have such great containers to store things in. So when I learned more about the Elfa system to organize my laundry...

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How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

How To Look Good For Your Next Summer Vacation

When I had to figure out how to organize my laundry room, I knew that The Container Store would have what I needed. Bins, hampers, baskets – they usually have such great containers to store things in. So when I learned more about the Elfa system to organize my laundry...

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I’m Adjoa

I’m Adjoa, an award-winning PR Politico. Social Entrepreneur. Writer. Wife and a Mom. I’m a modern Afropolitan woman with a passion for advocacy, politics, and culture. Even with a successful career I’ve always found side hustles to be a great way to do things that excite me, flex additional talents and even make money doing so.

This earned me the nickname Miss Mogul among friends. I’ve always loved being in control of my own destiny, following my passions, and most of all creating social impact.


Looking back in my 20s and reflecting now as a Career Woman, Business Owner, Wife and Mom, I sometimes marvel at what life has taught me is achievable even as others said it wasn’t. If I could share what I’ve learned to myself during times of extreme doubt, what would I say? And what tips, advice and tools can I share with other women like myself?

Are you a fellow Miss Mogul, trying to climb the corporate ladder, build a business or be impactful in your community? Are you trying to reach your full Queen potential balancing these goals without giving up having a family? Welcome to my digital home and join the tribe!


My love letter to the overachieving afropolichic

Meet The Afropolitans Podcast

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